Welcome! It does seem overwhelming at times doesn't it. We found great resources at our library when our daughters were that age. We also went to the book store and bought a bunch of educational books for kindergarten through 3rd grade to give a range of stuff to do.
Mostly, we read a lot about what it means to raise a gifted kid. Books by James deLisle are great, the resources on the Davidson Institute's page are also very helpful.
We usually just ended up hanging on for the ride and trying hard to keep up with our girls and giving them opportunities to express their creativity and explore things in different ways. For example, we did observations about bugs in our yard and then they made books about the bugs which included drawings they made, notes they took, information they found on the internet or in books as well as stories they wrote about an adventure the bug went on and poetry about the bug. You would be amazed what they can come up with based on 1 little bug. (We also tried to make a habitat for it, but that didn't work too well, so we let it go before it died.)