I was trying to search older posts, but some of the most informative ones have been deleted.

We are going to have some updated achievement testing done for DS6 (late spring b-day, going into 1st), and I am trying to understand the differences between these tests - and what might better demonstrate his level of learning.

We need scores to complete the DYS application, as well as to possibly help him get some appropriate level work at school this year. He took the WJ Ach. at age 4 (subtest scores were very high), and even though he took the correct subtests for Broad Reading and Broad Math, the Broad Scores, from reports of others here - are bizarre (we never did get broad scores, but it sounds like for 4-year-olds, they might not even go up to DYS-levels, no matter how high the subtest scores are: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted...._on_bizarre_WJ_III_resul.html#Post196785). He recently took the WISC and has scores that should qualify for DYS. How well does the WIAT work for these kiddos? Are the ceilings a problem? Which test did you find to be a better measure?

I really,really just do not want him to be bored in school all day this year. He loves math, although he probably has gaps in knowledge - Dreambox is currently leveling him between 3rd and 4th grade (he needs to work on multi-digit addition and subtraction on paper -- I find mistakes, but he also knows many or most of multiplication tables and understands simple division and simple square roots). He is reading small chapter books, and has been reading very well since he was at least 2 or 3. So his knowledge might have gaps, but he understands quite a bit. He also seems to learn very, very quickly. I'd love for him to maintain his enthusiasm for learning!