We're meeting with our local elementary school tomorrow to talk about early entry kindergarten for DS4. I'm wondering if anyone who did early K has any advice on specific things to ask or look out for. From where I sit, it's hard to know what I don't know about succeeding in early K for HG/PG kids. If you've gone through it, is there anything you'd recommend that we think about before deciding whether to send DS?

We'll be looking for teacher/principal attitude and general fit, whether the environment there seems like it will work for his temperament, openness to single-subject acceleration (he's about 3 years above age in reading), support from the administration and AIG coordinator, and whether DS4 likes it. What else am I missing? Was there anything you found to be key to a successful grade skip straight out of the gate? Anything you wish you'd known? Any words of caution?

Many thanks!