Yes! DS8 has always had psychomotor overexcitabilities. He needs to move constantly when he is "thinking" (incidentally, when we heard how still DS was in school, in K, it made us wonder if he was thinking at all in school). When he is really excited about something, he has to move around and act it out, with lots of sound effects. When he is watching a video or someone doing something interesting (like a show at a museum), he jumps continually. Sometimes he flaps his arms a bit. The jumping though - oh! - it can go on for hours (usually on and off). At home, for video watching, we have put an old mattress on the floor and just let him have at it (cushions the sound for the people below him). So far, in social situations, sometimes kids will ask him about the jumping or will even tell him to calm down. DS has really strong social skills and is generally sought after socially, so he just takes it in stride. He doesn't try to hide it and will even say things back to kids like, "Why aren't YOU jumping? This is exciting stuff!". He is good at deflecting. I suppose someday, if it bothers him, he will attend to it. I see no reason to correct it as it is not affecting him socially or in any other way. (And actually there are days that I am grateful for the jumping. Like if he's had one of those marathon 6 hour reading days because it's raining, at least he gets a lot of good cardio in.)

Generally, I love the OEs. Sometimes, he is so happy with me, for whatever reason, he will knock me down with his giant loving hug.