Hi, just writing back to state I got the book Daemon, and started it myself to make sure it was ok for him.

Unfortunately I couldn't get past page 50 or so because there is a rape scene that, while perhaps something older teens could handle, for me was a deal breaker*. I put the book down, and then later threw it out I was so disgusted. I don't throw books out.
I talked to my dh about it, and he agreed there are ways to make a book gripping without resorting to this most horrific of situations. (to me, really more horrible than considering someone being murdered). Anyway, a book I won't be passing on to my son.
Furthermore, as to whether the rest of the book was 'ok', I would say that it is ok, but the author or editor doesn't seem to be able to 'math' very well. There was a glaring mistake about someone's age and whether they could have been in the vietnam war... which was more than a bit annoying/stupid feeling. Anyway, I couldn't get that far into it, so maybe it improved further in.

Lastly I would point out to anyone who has an older child reading this to perhaps speak to them about the idea the villain puts forward that he is turning people into whores (read: not in fact raping people). This is hugely concerning to me. Perhaps later in the book he is confronted on this point.
Secondly the scenario of kids being roped in by predators using social manipulation and drugs is another thing obviously kids should be warned about. (uh, don't take pills strangers hand to you).

Will keep looking and check bluemagic's thread. Thank you very much, I don't want to sound ungrateful, just definitely warning others not to pass this one on to kids without reading. I still feel traumatized. frown
*(yeah I know, I shouldn't be so sensitive).

Last edited by chris1234; 07/20/14 03:12 AM.