This is a follow up to a previous post about our DS who just finished fourth grade. Last week he was independently tested using the NWEA Map test. His results indicated a RIT score of 251. The tester indicated that he is performing way above grade level in math. The problem we have is that his school refuses to accelerate him in math because he did not score above their cutoff IQ. However, online searches seem to imply that an IQ test may be an inappropriate method to judge mathematical ability. We also suspect that perhaps the IQ test was not administered correctly because Arithmetic was not substituted (sub test) for Digit Span or Letter-number Sequencing.
The child loves math and has been independently working his way through an algebra 1 book and has quite an extensive portfolio as well as teachers who are advocating for acceleration. Since we just received the NWEA MAP test results last week, we have not had time to share these with his school. Moreover, we are reluctant to do so because we don�t want to be labeled �pushy parents.� How advanced is an RIT score of 251 for a fourth grader, and why is it so important to have a minimum IQ threshold to allow a child to single subject accelerate? Any advice on how to effectively advocate on behalf of our DS without appearing as parents who cannot accept �no� as an answer. Thanks