I never thought my son might be 2E but now I am wondering. Just looking to see if anyone had an insight on this.

My seven year old has recently started adding sounds into his words. Most often it's an "uh" type noise to the end of a word. He will do this anywhere from one word per few sentences to multiple words per sentence. It makes him more difficult to understand.

This concerns me. He has always had vocabulary well beyond his years (still does) and since age 2.5 could carry on adult-level conversations and be understood perfectly.

He does it speaking and reading out loud though more when speaking. He also has transient tics than come and go, like clearing his throat and sniffing.

He also has a hard time listening/paying attention to us and/or forgets immediately what we tell him to do if it's something simple (like "put on your shoes", as opposed to explaining a hard concept- which he never forgets). An acquaintance of my DH's played my son at chess last night and afterwards asked DH if my son had Aspergers. I had never considered such a thing. Any insight??

Background on him:

-has intense LONG attention span for things that interest him and gets offended if interrupted
-strong sense of "fairness" or justice
-highly logical
-reading since age 2, reads on about 9th grade level
-4 years ahead in math
-was #3 chess player in state for his age this past year