That's a great consideration, aquinas-- I'd say that for us, the answer is that in my areas of strength, I was more than able to manage through secondary level. (STEM, social science, fwiw)

But then again, I have post-secondary teaching experience in a pretty broad array of STEM topics, and come from a background of teaching at that level in the humanities.

DD was definitely ready, willing, and chomping at the bit to do secondary/post-secondary level work by the time she was 10-11yo, which is when (virtual schooling) we began SERIOUSLY supplementing her course materials with college textbooks, etc. purchased on the cheap.

In literature, this happened far, far sooner-- but we found it easier to accommodate, too, since it was a matter of reading more "adult" selections, and upping the level of discussion that our family naturally tends to do around theater, poetry, and books. So it didn't seem that odd to be discussing Langston Hughes or Walt Whitman with our DD when she was 7 or 8.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.