Diane Ravitch wrote a blog for Common Dreams regarding the Washington Post article on the influence of the Bill Gates and his foundation with the Common Core and the need for congress (or someone with a pulse) to investigate it - http://www.commondreams.org/view/2014/06/09-1

Bear in mind, Ravitch was first a supporter of Common Core under Bush Jr. but has since reversed course and become a strong opponent of it.

The amount of money connected to the Common Core, textbooks or digital technology, and testing is absolutely staggering and leaves little doubt in my mind that Pearson and other big corporations have played a role. IF you follow the news on EdSurge (https://www.edsurge.com/), you'll see and weep; of course, remembering that EdSurge is only source for EdTech news and developments and only reports what's disclosed publicly (and not everything is being reported publicly). It's really scandalous. A total rape and pillage on public schools with little to show for it.