Originally Posted by Madoosa
Just last night my 3 year old wrote his name backwards in a perfect mirror image of the way he usually writes it.

And my 5 year old is suddenly writing some letters and numbers backwards too (but he is having other complicating issues at the same time).

Esp with Aiden (5) we have started wondering about issues. Even though its still age appropriate, we worry more because he has been able to write it properly for so long. but I have decided that he may just need the freedom right now to do it his own way as a way to help him feel more in control of what he is able to do

AWESOME to read about other kids doing it too though - now I can really stop worrying about it laugh

Haha - now 2 years later I can again report that my now 3 year old today wrote his name backwards in perfect mirror image - "just for funnies mommy" and my now 5 year old (THEN 3 year old in my quoted post) does it only when he is bored. And my now 7 year old (then 5 year old) only does it when he is actually using a mirror to try write by looking into the mirror.

So not sure how rare this is - all three of my boys have done it. (my anecdata)

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)