We are so excited! DD9 tested and received single subject acceleration in math. She should get it in language arts as well, but we that's another goal! Trying to get SSA in our district is like pulling teeth! Another good news piece - we discovered that there is a school that caters to advanced learners in our area (run by Duke guy). It's an after school or weekend school, but we will take anything we can get! We have an meeting with the owner tomorrow!!

Our sad part is DD10 is very very upset that she didn't get AG English, only math. She is feeling very left out. She also tried for SSA in math and didn't get that either. I feel so bad for her. I told her that she is so close to getting SSA in math that I think she could get it next year (she wailed that it is sooooo far away). I really don't know that she could ever get language arts AG. I just don't think it's realistic. Many tears were shed last night. Lots of talk about different gifts for different people as well.