I am very happy today and wanted to share with all of you. As I have mentioned in another post, dd4.75's teacher recommended that dd skip k next year and go to the elementary mixed age classroom for grade 1. That by itself was very exciting to me. But today I met the elementary classroom teacher and she informed me that she has already spent some time going through dd's portfolio that her current teacher maintains and has spent some time observing dd when at work. She is very excited to have dd in her class. She believes that dd can start at 2nd grade level work even though officially she will be a first grader. in fact, she is going to purchase some 2nd grade text books so that she can use them to teach dd (apparently she does not have any 2nd graders this year or next, hence the need to purchase). She also assured me that dd would still be able to join her primary friends for class trips and free play and that she and dd's current teacher are working out the scheduling details to make this happen. I am elated, I feel like I am in a good dream. Just wanted to share. If you have any happy tales regarding wonderful placement and meaningful accommodations and teachers that go the extra mile, please share.