Originally Posted by master of none
I just don't see all that much going into these rare kids-- except maybe by their parents who may feel a tremendous responsibility in raising these kids.

I completely agree with this statement.

On another note, I think so much goes into raising an adult who feels successful. Personality, perfectionist tendencies, work ethic, type of education, peer group, etc.

It seems silly to me to try and isolate one component and say, "this is what it takes to raise a person who has the ability to xyz."

For me, the biggest program a school could offer is a challenge. From my perspective, the kids who aren't challenged either get lazy or think they are so smart that they don't have to work very hard. To me, this is a shame.

It is hard to go discover a cure for cancer when you don't know how to work/think very hard. And going through x number of school years without challenge makes it hard to know how to work through a challenge.

I WANT every kid to be challenged appropriately. I don't understand why that has to be debated or difficult.

This is just my 2 cents, but probably isn't worth that much.