Doesn't sound like the OP is near PA, but a word of caution for PA folks - the "good" districts really control the gifted ID process. Since the law says that kids with an IQ of 130+ must be offered gifted services, our district puts you through a long process which they control. First, all sorts of paperwork and a pre-test (and they tell you that from the pre-test, they know your kid won't score high on the IQ test) - this takes months. Then our district chooses which IQ test the kid takes, and they administer it. Must be FSIQ of 130 or more, no GAI or looking at subsections.

I know others will tell me that the PA law isn't written this way (making the IQ test the only factor). While I agree, it would be tough to change the district process. When you are in a district with plenty of FSIQ >=130 kids, then they really feel no need to bother with the kid with a low PSI. I realize that isn't fair and may potentially be illegal, but just pointing out that even where gifted is a "special need", the process isn't perfect.