Originally Posted by Leyla
As a computer scientist at Microsoft (14+ years) who interviewed many, I would say that the most important part (over which good college you are from)is how much you know about the theory of computer science , coding algorithms etc.

Interview process at Microsoft is very through including 7-8 hours of interviewing at the white board answering many algorithm questions. Interviewers start with saying that answer to the coding problem can be implemented in any coding language chosen. So starting learning JavaScript vs C is irrelevant (though C is much more respected coding language than any scripting language)

In short, which college you are coming from is not that important as long as you prove your knowledge of coding at the interview. In the interview, nobody gets threated differently just because they are from Stanford vs MIT vs University of Washington etc.
Every time people tell me about coding interviews it freaks me out that I am never getting back into this field. I worked as computer programmer for 15 years. Can code in C like the back of my hand. I have a math degree not a CS one and at the time getting jobs as a computer program did not require a CS degree at all. I Fell out of the job market when the combination of the place I was working going out of business, a health issue, and a family life that turned out to be way less stressful when I wasn't working. Never had to do a coding interview like that for any job I've held and it's kept me from even submitting my resume anywhere. Doesn't hurt that my husband has a good stable job.

BTW where you went to school can help GET the interview in the first place.