Hi, Wasn't sure how to reach the moderator, but I noticed tonight that an "anonymous" was reading a new post every second or so. Clearly, too fast to be a human. If you go to who's online and then refresh immediately, you'll see the t
op anonymous on a new post everytime (happened to be checking to see if I'd get an answer to my post and it caught my eye...). Despite all of our efforts to be careful in our posts, a lot of personal information makes it way to this public board. Just wondering whether there is a concer

Hey there Questions. I was just noticing that there were 18 guests which seemed unusual and also checked who is online. I kept refreshing as you did and noticed the exact same thing, a new topic reading approximately every second. However, it did seem that several had been looked at for more than a few minutes seemingly a person actually reading the post. Then, the number of guests instantly dropped from 18 to 4. Perhaps this site has become very popular?