DS 5 is in Kindergarten. He is reading at about a 4th grade level and doing math at a 2nd grade level. He has been moved up to 1st grade for math since the start of this term. They say he is adjusting well in class.

He goes to an academic extension class on Saturdays, and his teacher there said he should be fine to skip a grade, the only thing she said might be a concern is his very active imagination, which is a polite way of saying he makes up elaborate, realistic stories and insists they are true. She says this might put some of his peers off.

One concern his school has is with his handwriting. It is getting better, but he does tend to write large messy letters.

We will have a meeting with the school at the end of this term to discuss what the plan is for him next year. I know his teacher mentioned that he would still be ahead of his classmates after a grade skip, and that there are pros and cons to the skip. We didn't get a chance to discuss what the pros and cons would be. I think skipping a grade will at least get him closer to his classmates academically. He will still need to go up for math, and English is his strongest area. They elected to do in class extension with him for it this year. I am not really sure what he is doing though.

He is tall for his age, he tends to play with older kids at school. He does have some challenges reading social cues, and he tends to talk about what is on his mind rather than engaging in reciprocal conversation, but I don't think its enough of a concern to prevent a grade skip.

Does anyone have any advice on issues to consider?