Hello--I am hoping for some guidance on what to do with DD11's scores. I find them puzzling and wonder if we should pursue other testing but my husband feels like we have tested enough and that we will give her a complex if we go further! (He is kind of kidding but I see his point).

(Scores deleted )

I would say the WIAT (DYS qualifying math but not qualifying language ) parallels her recent EXPLORE scores but the WISC parallels my sense of where her academic strengths lie (PG VCI but below average PSI; good but not DYS PRI).

It just seems wacky to me that her reading comprehension is so good and yet her language scores on both EXPLORE (18s and 19s) and WIAT just don't match. Meanwhile her PRI is not DYS level but it's her highest achievement score?

We homeschool so this makes me wonder if we are not teaching her the language skills she needs? Or maybe she has some kind of stealth learning disability?

Am I overthinking this?

Also, DYS says they will accept a "total math" of 145 but no where on the report is a "total math" listed--only math composite. Is this the same? I searched old threads but no definitive answer.

Any help much appreciated!

Last edited by SouthLake; 05/26/14 09:34 PM.