SAHM : Which year?

- I started the 3rd grader on 4th and the 4th grader on the 5th grade.

Polarbear: Sit with your dds while they are working in it and see if you get a feel for - have they seen the material before? Are they truly picking up new concepts quickly? Also move them up to a higher grade level in ALEKS.

- I saw that they knew about 1/2 of the grade right off the bat. It was obvious that they hadn’t seen other concepts, but they jumped into them and really enjoyed working them out. They actually liked the explanations and figured them out quickly. They want to move on to the next level as soon as they can.

Polarbear: We have used ALEKS with each of our children, but we didn't use it as a replacement for an actual course at school - instead we used it as a way for them to learn concepts that allowed them to be placed where they needed to be in math classes at school.

-Yes. I wanted to see what my kids knew. We are facing another test at school to get into single subject acceleration, and they need to prove that they know the material. It has cemented my views that the AIG services are not challenging at all at their school. They both need higher level classes.

bluemagic: As polarbear said ALEKS is intended as supplementary material for a course of study.

-It seems like my decision to do Singapore Math then is a good one. Now I need to go figure out what level to order.