Actually, my DS picked up rollerblading and ice skating quite easily. But things like swimming and bike riding and jumping jacks not so well. So I don't know! You know your kids best though. The picking up of sports at a competitive level is a very good sign. Dyspraxics may excel eventually at one sport but I think getting there at all requires a lot (they tend not to just pick motor skills like that up, ykim?) I like to think the bike riding actually helped improve DS's coordination so that things like rollerblading and ice skating came easier... and help with swimming, etc. I don't know, I am not sure how much such skills are transferrable - they say with dyspraxics they are not (that each such skill needs to be specifically and specially taught) so maybe it was just that he was blessed with good balance despite his dyspraxia that skills like skating came easier to him. So none/neither of your kids can really ride? The riding but not picking up turns is interesting? perhaps a vision issue? Or coud be like you say - lack of practice. Although, that is the other thing I find with DS - he will lose skills learned without practice, which is so odd compared to other kiddos. I mean the saying is "It's like riding a bike" right? but Ds has forgotten the skill already and had to relearn... Now he is just pretty rusty after a long winter without riding. And he has "forgotten" swimming several times. completely lost the skill over and over (terrible) again other kids don't seem to have this problem. Even swinging on a swing he has forgotten. Apparently this is pretty common of dyspraxia. Anyway, totally just some musings and food for thought - not saying there is anything going on with your kiddos!

Last edited by Irena; 05/14/14 08:54 PM.