Today our 504 meeting ended with the accommodations of headphones as needed, extra testing time if needed, chill out breaks, clear instruction and social stories for next year.
The teacher says our ds is last to hang up his coat etc. he is doing great on finishing his work at a good pace even rapidly. Concentration is fairly good. It's hard to tell but I think the extremely busy, crowded room and sensory info is causing the most problem. Hoping based on the info I provided the next classroom will be more minimal. I handed out about 50 pages of info on heavy work activities, sensory processing issues, and gifted characteristics in combo/contrast with ADHD characteristics.

A friend in the district encouraged me to keep an open mind. That the teachers want to help but are overwhelmed with huge class sizes.

I often feel like our ds has no chance at long term happy social relationships. I actually feel since we started kindergarten the social skills have regressed. Even as a parent his disposition and anger/frustration at times can be challenging. His impatience for want to interupt and not wait his turn. And his moods can change so rapidly. I know hunger plays an issue but the kid is sooooo intense.

I think his frustration and anger is worse this year because he feels less understood. He recognizes he doesn't have many friends. He recognizes he doesn't fit in. However he can't see that his poor social choices are somewhat to blame. And instead of the teachers trying to help mend the poor social interactions and stepping in to advise he is encouraged to stay away from certain groups, making him further segregated and giving him less practice on working through the issues. I know she means well, and that the other kids think our ds is mean. And from the outside I can understand that perception. I always thought kids like our ds were mean before I had him. Now I understand his poor judgement and his impairment in empathy and understanding social rules.

I just know so many individuals with ADHD that have carried that anger/tell at everyone attitude into adulthood and it isn't pretty. Praying maturity helps.