We live in a rural area and DD attends her local public school. She has had a pretty miserable first grade year and we have been looking at schooling options. She is HG+ at least (results vary among tests) and pretty evenly developed (no 2e). Her local public school gave her out of level map tests to determine her instructional levels in reading and math and she was successful (above 95th percentile) through mid 5th grade math and through end of 5th grade reading (it is elementary school so they did not have the reading test beyond 5th grade). There is a gifted program one day a week that does fun projects etc. but the school does not consider grade acceleration and is not set up for subject acceleration due to schedules not matching up among grades. Our only other option is a small private school. Curriculum there runs about a year ahead and they are willing to do subject acceleration they were not as enthusiastic about grade skipping but said they would consider it depending on the maturity of the child. The private school also has more field trips and extra activities (robotics, math team, geo bee etc..) and seems like it would be more fun. I get that my child is probably not going to find a challenging academic environment in elementary school, I am just going for not miserable. For those who have struggled to find the right environment for their child where have they been happiest and how did you find a balance with their education? Any input is appreciated!