DS5.8 has been homeschooled since Thanksgiving (Kindergarten) and for now we're taking pretty much an unschooling approach. He took the ITBS right after we pulled him out of public school just to see where he's at and overall he was 99th percentile, with lowest being 91st percentile in vocabulary, which I found funny because vocab is his biggest strength in real life but he just couldn't tell what some of the black and white pictures on the test were. I had trouble too so can't blame him! lol

Our state does not require testing for homeschoolers but I would like to have him take another test in the next few months just to see where he's at again so I can still feel good about unschooling. He still doesn't read ... can decode a lot of words but is far from fluently reading anything yet and we are not pushing it. He's doing much better at it now than he did 5 months ago and as long as we're seeing improvements, we're fine with it. Back then we were seriously concerned with dyslexia, now not so much. He just truly wasn't ready. I'm guessing he's right on track where he should be with reading, maybe even slightly ahead in K judging from our friends. In Math he's playing around mainly with 2nd grade concepts now (just started about 3 weeks ago). So I'm not sure which test to choose and what grade?

My guess would be if doing it now, to use 1st grade test rather than Kinder and if we were to do it in the fall, to use 2nd grade test? Any recommendations as to whether ITBS or TerraNova2 would be better? I didn't like the ITBS much but not sure if they all looks the same or if there's a difference? My main thing is that we don't hit the 99th percentile ceiling again too easily but don't want the test to be too hard either.