Our PTA is a political action arm for the school. Apparently, I mean. It's possible that it is the other way around, actually...

It's a little unclear what the relationship actually is, but I found it extraordinarily distasteful, myself-- it reminded me very much of middle school gossip and backbiting, frankly.
Or maybe of the Colbert Report. They weren't too happy when I responded by laughing at some things that were clearly a joke, though, I must say. blush

I was also persona non grata with them primarily because I do not share a political affiliation, faith, or much of anything else with the major movers and shakers in the PTA. They were quick to let me know that GroupThink dictated that I could either shut up while nodding vigorously and enthusiastically shouting "YES!!" at pep rallies-- er, strategy meetings-- or I could slink away where I wouldn't bother them anymore.

I don't assume that all PTA's are of that ilk, but it pays to be aware of the political underpinnings of the parent cohort if you're with a charter school, for sure.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.