I have had similar issues with DS15. He has had his ups and downs with finding friends. My son made a good friend in 2nd but he moved across country in 5th grade. As as a H.S. freshman is only just now making new friends after alienating other kids in junior high. Junior high was the age I heard this refrain the most. What the other kids talked about, and the computer games they played were all stupid and boring. I wish I could give you a ton of good suggestions, but other than the standard ones already mentioned by earlier posts it's an area I feel I've failed my DS. The one thing I did do right was to push him into playing a band instrument, he loves H.S. Marching Band.

One thing I did find out, trying to sign DS up to a million activities backfired. It's easy to over schedule kids these days. My son really is introverted and gets really irritable if he doesn't have some downtime everyday.