DS is expressing interest in learning new skills, so that why Khan seems good. However, what I watched seemed to move kind of slowly. He is in a weird place with skills, I think. He has a lot of mental math abilities from playing games for older children (can add large numbers accurately in his head using...I guess you'd call it decomposition skills..."1300 plus 850...I know 1300 plus 700 is 2000, so then another 100 is 2100, then the 50 is 2150" ). He could not do that problem on paper in the traditional way, though. And there are definitely holes in what he knows. I don't think he really knows much about fractions, for instance, and he can't tell analog time past the hour and half hour (no analog clocks in our house--oops). Similarly, he randomly knows a lot of multiplication stuff but hasn't been systematically taught anything.