Hi I am new to the gifted world. My son is 6 and in first grade and just finished his IQ test. I'm ready to get things going for him.
When we moved to the city we knew to avoid public school and start with private school. But hg kids are not recognized nor challenged and in PA only public schools have mandates. I feel lost and alone trying to find help for my little boy with so much potential.
I tried to explain to my son's teacher that he needs more challenging work or extra assignments to keep him out of trouble but she only sees him as "trouble" or trying to get attention. She has frequently written home that he is a distraction. Most of the time, he is finished and others take much longer to complete tests ect.
I called the principal, but the conversation was very short.
The public school will take up to 60 days to process my request( April plus 60 days ), but next year they will offer a gifted afternoon once per week. I can personally drive him and sign him in and out of each school.
I am looking for anyone who has partially paved a gifted road in the Philadelphia School District, that could offer advice.