I did visit a Montessori school that goes up to 8th grade last week. It would be a 30 minute drive for us and VERY expensive, but I'm wondering about it now. He would be allowed to progress at his own rate BUT not "pushed" (as the director put it). So, that has me concerned since most of the time I've found when people use the term "pushed" they have a bias against helping children progress quickly if they are capable.

So, now the questions I'm asking, if we go the private route...

1) Would the Montessori hands-on-style be too difficult for a child whose hands are unreliable?

2) Would all the motor planning be too difficult for him?

3) Would the distractions and child directed work be too distracting for real progress?

4) Is it really too "young" an education style? My impression has always been that Montessori is best for early childhood. Since Mite is so high ability, would it be to "young" for him?

so many questions........

Willa Gayle