Originally Posted by Portia
... energy consumption... rate of consumption... impacts on future fossil fuel energy sources. He doesn't know how to solve the problem of providing unlimited energy, not pollute the environment, yet still enjoy the lifestyle humans enjoy today (cars, A/C, etc.).
While not addressing the big issues at a psychological or philosophical processing level, this may be 20 minutes of positive exploration on energy? Bloom fuel cells http://www.bloomenergy.com/

This teen's invention generated power from the ocean's waves, using a gyroscope: http://articles.latimes.com/2005/jan/05/local/me-class5

Some may say that the technological and scientific answers which are needed may already exist, however established industries may be entrenched an possibly working to maintain policies which prevent the widespread adoption/distribution of solutions. For example, if homes could be heated/cooled for pennies per month, existing energy companies may be reluctant to find their industry obsolete. Another example may be the many appliances which are created to be always "on" and drawing power for their internal clocks and timers.

Some people return to one of their childhood passions for their career. It just may be that he will feel called to address big issues, such as those with the environment.