Originally Posted by rlmom
Our issues are less about her intellectual capacity and more about her emotional issues. She's intense, highly sensitive, anxious, resists change, etc. and it's causing problems with her socially and within the family.

She's obviously very young, but I'd like to know if any of you have followed a plan of action that helped you with some of the issues we have above.

rlmom, here's a great resource for you at the SENG website:


Another good source of info is http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/

For our own family, I'm not sure I could say that I have a plan of action--but we have worked on some of these same issues with our kids. I think you have to know when to encourage kids to try something and when to let it go. There are moments when my kids are more receptive and I try to take advantage of those growth opportunities. I'm sure that's very vague advice smile but it depends so much on the child and the personal dynamic you have with your child.

Do you have something specific you are concerned about?