Sadly, this happens too often. My son was bullied by his teacher and the aides in school and nothing was ever done to address it by the administration. We were told, in fact, by an outside psychologist who did a classroom visit for our son, that she had seen another child abused by a teacher (during another visit), and by the time she made it to the principal to report the incident, the teacher already had her union rep at her side. Nothing was ever done. The psychologist told us this as she was saying, "it's no use trying to address [the bullying of our son by his teacher] with the school, the union is too strong in this state."

I would definitely provide a written report to the Principal as you take your leave to another school, but be sure it is carefully supported by as much evidence as you can get - because these things can follow your child from school to school (which is exactly what happened to us and why we eventually had to take our child to private school).

Sorry - I may sound a lot like sour grapes here, but I am quite angry over the treatment my 2e/PG son received in 1-3rd grades public school. He is now in "8th grade" and it has taken all this time to convince him that he's not bad in math because of his first grade teacher's bullying and humiliation (he's doing calculus - mostly in his head until I make him write things down). So yeah, I'm angry.

DS14, grades 8-12+