Well, here's my reading of this issue:

I think the study Questions posted was holding sunscreens to a higher standard than the FDA, which basically says they all meet the minimum requirements. This environmental group--which is suggesting we should demand more from these companies--says the bare minimum of safety that the FDA is allowing isn't enough.

Ultimately, you have to decide how much you care about sunscreen and whom you trust more. If you use a lot of sunscreen, you might want to get the really safe and effective stuff, just to be sure. If you only use it occasionally, maybe you don't care as much.

I confess, I probably won't throw out what we already have. But I probably will replace it with the more highly recommended stuff when we run out. That's where I am on the "fear of sunscreen" meter.

(FWIW, part of my take is that the FDA has lost a lot of its bite in recent years. I personally tend to treat what they allow as a starting point, not an endpoint anymore. At least, that's more-or-less what _Consumer Reports_ has been indicating in recent issues.)
