Common Core standards, aligned curriculum, and implementation in the classroom may affect many students, including gifted, talented, and high achieving.

The new standardized assessments, used to evaluate both students and teachers, may unfairly impact teachers held accountable for student performance when many other factors not under a teacher's control may be influencing student performance.

Changes to SAT to align with common core may impact homeschool students.

The potential for broad impact has generated widespread discussion including curiosity regarding some members of the 2009-2010 validation committee who did not sign off on common core.

Why did Milgram not sign off on Math?
(Source: Endnote item 7, from 20-page white paper, Lowering the Bar)

Why did Stotsky not sign off on ELA?
(Source: Endnote item 6, from 20-page white paper, Lowering the Bar)