He sounds like me and both of my kids. We're all master procrastinators and work-averse.

DS9 has an ADHD diagnosis. Neither DD nor myself do, but I've often wondered.

For both my kids, the issue appears to be interest. They are not people pleasers, and if homework doesn't interest them, then we're in big trouble: There is no intrinsic motivation or willingness to please the teacher to get them started.

(On the other hand, on tasks/projects/subjects of interest, they will work obsessively to the moon and back).

The only thing that works for me for the homework is to create and enforce consequences... such as a loss of electronics or other cherished activity.

As for myself... the "interest" factor also applies, but there's another one at work as well: repetition. For instance, when I write, I can't write about the same topic twice. CAN'T DO IT. OH MY GOSH I just can't handle repetition. I can do something once, and as soon as I have mastery or my curiosity is satisfied, I AM DONE. Someone needs to give me consequences. lol.

Anyway, I don't know if that helps.