My DD has the same gap on the WISC but her achievement testing is Ok, except for writing fluency is maybe 1 grade level below. Two different private psychs have told me a 504 is reasonable but the school district is unlikely to approve anything more than that. You can look online at the different special ed categories and see exactly what criteria a child has to meet in order to qualify. Usually it is 2 standard deviations below the mean for reading/math/writing, etc. I need to look at the "Other Health Impairments" category again and see what the qualifying criteria are, because ADHD is usually under that category. It is not as rigid as the learning disability category. Honestly, though, the servies that the school offers are so minimal that it may not be worth the hassle. My DS has developmental coordination disorder and gets 60 min. of OT per month. Not enough to make any difference. I doubt you would get an out of district placement unless the needs are so severe that the district cannot accommodate them. The most important thing to go after are accommodations but that can be done with the 504 you already have.