I'm not mathy, so I forget to talk about it and feel worried that I won't introduce it the "right" way, etc. I don't think most of us worry as much about not reading to kids or talking about language the "right" way.

Honestly, my experience talking about math with my kids is probably much like many elementary school teachers' would be teaching math to bright kids. They ask me questions that I lack the math training and language to answer well. (DD is forever inventing "tricks" and algorithms, some of which work and some of which don't. She reently figured out how to divide fractions before she was taught, by using her knowledge of real-life fractions and checking her work. That was pretty cool. It wasn't exactly the "invert and multiply" rule--she phrased it differently but it turned out to be the same.) They are both somewhat mathy but not extremely so as far as I can tell.