Hello There I am in the same situation, got exactly your sun�s score, but in my case my gifted daughter has not accepted.
I have received a letter stating �she is a good learner but our school accepts the superior gifted only�. Learner?!!!!
I was shocked. I am a foreigner single working mother who has not family and friends around. She started reading at 4 and she keeps in my toe with all her critical thinking ability. I live in a country side where a church private pre-school and kindergarten is the only thing that worked with my life. But I tell you what, I get a note from her teachers got each and every day . How she does not stop talking, pouting and all that, while she is very bright. I did what I could including slapping her but nothing worked and now she has started not mind what they are asking her to do all together.
I cannot send her to a public school since I know she would not last even a day there.
One day a well-respected zoo owner came to school as a gust and told about an animal which eats everything including a meat and vegetable. She outright told him you yourself is meat and how can you keep this animal without eating you? Imagine you she was only five and she was expelled from the room while she was crying and screaming when I arrived after a call I have received. And so has been every day. Time out after time out. A call after call. The only thing she enjoys playing outside. She asked me about God which beyond what I can write in this e-mail. I honestly thought she was possessed by devil but after a goggled I found out it was a gifted issue. Now the only school around here does not accept her and did not know what I can do with child. I am so sad. Any input is appreciated.