Thank you all so much! I thought I replied earlier, but since I am new to this I might have missed something, so if it appears later, I apologize. smile

I sent or son's Principal the information regarding the different Fountas and Pinell test levels. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see what he says. Supposedly they will be putting our son in the reading enrichment after Spring break. I am not holding my breath, but at his point my only concern is for1st grade this fall. He qualifies for the in district gifted program which is in a separate classroom in a different school. They group kids with an IQ over 145 together in a 2-3 grade room and 4-5. It has gotten great reviews from other parents so we are excited about this opportunity for our son! We are visiting the other school after break and see what the Principal can offer in forms of differentiation for 1st grade.

Thanks again so much for the feedback, this is such an awesome forum and I wish I would have found it sooner!