I think you have this backwards. At least where I live, Title I schools are the poor schools.

My kids attend a Title I school (many schools in my city are Title I). DD10 is in a magnet program there (so her classroom population is not really Title 1) and DS6 is in K in the gen ed portion of thre school. I'm not sure what they get from it being Title I, because they don't need the most obvious resource, which is extra tutors and reading resource specialists.

What I can say about this school is that they have been very open to working with us regarding DS6. I think because they rarely see kids like him in the gen education program and encounter few, if any, privileged "tiger" parents there, there is no baggage around that in the early grades. There has been less...how shall I say?...BS, and more willingness to see DS for who he is. Also, I think the school is very used to working with special needs kids and is flexible as a result. They sort of just see DS as another kid who needs something different.