I think your son is very perceptive! My son's pre-school teachers and the "shadow" of the "on the spectrum boy" would comment to me all the time about how my DS really connected w/ the boy and really helped the boy to open up and experience new things. Similar to your son, he had other very good friends to play with so it's not like they were each outcastes or anything. The other kids just ignored the boy. If the boy was nervous about going down the slide, DS would be right there encouraging, helping him to calm down and try it and would applaud him when the boy did it. DS even got to attend the summer camp for free b/c they wanted him to spend extra time with this boy. I thought it was wonderful. DS is very mature for his age and NO ONE has ever thought he was his actual age ... not mention he is very tall and just looks older.

I too refused to think DS was gifted b/c from everything i read, many/most GT have issues w/ same-age playmates, preferring older kids and adults. Neither of my boys have ever had any issues w/ same-aged kids. Oddly, it seems DS has been having conversations w/ the 4th-5th graders on the bus about math! LOL. I was shocked by that.