Hi, HK,

I don't know if this is helpful, but just in case…If your DD wants to include an Arts supplement on her college applications (which I gather for her are next fall?), perhaps a goal for the next couple of months would be to record the Bartok, when you and she feel she is ready. My kid is a few years away from this, but my understanding is that you attach the recording to the Common App, and that a good recording is a serious plus (it's evidence of achievement, after all) for someone who lists an instrument on their ECs, even if s/he doesn't want to major in music. The music departments listen to Arts Supplements, and so you get the benefit of an expert weighing in and saying, yes, this is serious accomplishment. Just a thought -- you may not want to do this, but if she is going to shift gears a bit soon, it might be nice (hey, even just for her, later on, if not for the colleges! :-)) to have a recording that captured this achievement. The Bartok stuff is HARD! :-)