Originally Posted by ultramarina
He is much stronger in phonics than DD was at his age (able to sound out long, complicated scientific names) and seemed to learn to read much more phonetically than she did, if it matters. (He liked to watch Super Why as a young toddler.) He does skip words sometimes, too. He will sub in an appropriate word if the sense is affected. OTOH, if *I* make an insignificant error when reading aloud, he always catches me!

Heh, yeah, I'd like the find the cheat sheet on how not to raise a hypocrite.

With early phonetic skills, sounds like your DS is coming at things from a different place than mine. But may still be a tracking issue, could be a bit of totally age appropriate executive function (starts thinking about the story or is distracted by his own thoughts or his eyes/brain are reading ahead of his mouth.)