Definitely model what you want her to do. A good way to accomplish that is to take turns reading to each other. It'll likely help with compliance, too, because I have yet to meet a young child who doesn't LOVE being read to, and I've met a lot of them. You have to bring your A-game, though... expression, voices, the works.

As for comprehension, there are different ways to go about that. When I was reading with my DD at that age, I made sure to steer clear of any quiz-style questions, because that just turns the activity into a chore. The questions I would ask were more analytical: "What do you think about Character X?" "What do you think is going to happen next?" "Is that a good idea?" "What would you do in this character's place?"

In this way, it became more of a conversation about a good book, and as we did this more, DD was more apt to interrupt to share her own analysis.