If she's good at solving applied problems and has her own home-grown interest and background in science, she should probably be fine.

A big concern for me - a professor in a STEM field and mother to a girl - is extinguishing the love of science through bad teaching and negative experiences. 4-8 grade is when girls get "taught" to not like math & science.

Check out the prereqs for the honors/AP HS science classes. (Our honors Chem has Alg II as a prereq, for instance). Would it be possible to advocate for a subject acceleration in science to a point where the math prereqs are used promptly. That is, in our case, have her taking Honors Chem the year after she takes Alg II (so, 8th grade?). Then she'd want to take Bio next year. Make sense?

In our house, we have maturity and test taking skills as additional concerns about bio next year (on top of bad teaching).

We've been asked to have DD take the ACT for the science section. The science section is one of scientific reasoning more than content. You might want to look into that if it would help the school in an acceleration discussion.