
It was actually my 8 yo daughter who said that. smile

I love the comment on the hardware store on Heaven. My condolences on the loss of your mother. Sometimes a bit of laughter can ease the pain.

My dad passed away at an airport in China, after suffering a blood clot on the long flight. He was quickly carried back into Hong Kong and it took us a week to get his body back to the states for burial, as there was red tape due to his being a German national. (They would have released his body to Germany, but his wife and children were in the states, where he had lived most of his adult life.) Anyway, he had to be embalmed in Hong Kong, and when we finally got him back and viewed his body at the funeral home, he had a definite Asian cast to his features! My sisters and I laughed until we cried. Apparently, that undertaker didn't work on a lot of Caucasians.