Well, my DD's 504 is not technically because she is identified as GT (though she is).

But there have been things placed into it that are about her GT needs as a learner. Also be aware that this is a virtual school student, so the basic model is more amenable to some shifts than a classroom setting might be.

1. She (We) has the ability to 'regroup' lessons and the way that she structures a school week. So if she needs to work on longer stretches of reading at once, for example, she can do US History (for example) for an entire afternoon, and forgo doing art and science that day. Maybe work on ONLY one class at a time, just do an entire unit/chapter of math in a few days. That kind of thing. This has also meant unlocking assessments so that she can do them in batch form-- rather than stopping the learning process for a tiny little (irritating) quiz, she can take four of them at the end of the afternoon. KWIM?

2. She is encouraged to do "extensions" to her work (by teachers).

3. Exempted from doing MORE homework in mathematics than we deem necessary for learning. This one is huge, in our experience, but it was personality driven in DD's case, too-- anything low-level never turns her brain on to begin with, and it feels like being stuck at the oars for a thousand years to do a series of remedial and repetitive math problems that she already knew how to do before the lesson ever happened. If that makes sense.

4. Limits on testing and test preparation time. DD has always been permitted to take state tests during the first "testing window" of the year-- and then allowed to opt out of nasty things like "Study Island," which she hates. (barf)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.