I've posted before about DS. He was previously very delayed but has completely caught up. He is in kindergarten but goes to first grade for part of the day. His school is trying very hard to help him.

He usually loves school and is very well-behaved. He often finishes his work early, but his teacher gets him piles of books from the library and encourages him to do projects on his interests that he can show to the class (on topics like stars, planets, orbits, etc.).

Because of weather, he has only had outdoor recess about one time so far this year and he seems to be having a much more difficult time with it than other kids. He says specifically that that is the problem. He is having a harder time occupying himself when he finishes early, often distracting other kids who are working by wanting to play with them. He really likes doing well at school and it upsets him when his teacher reports that he had trouble with this sort of behavior.

I think it would help a great deal if he could get some sort of activity (they just watch movies at recess when they can't go out) or if we could come up with some especially exciting and engaging activities.

Has anyone else dealt with this sort of problem? If I can come up with ideas, I'm sure the school will be willing to try them.