Music surely can't hurt. DS started playing a toy guitar that someone gave him for his 5th birthday, iirc. At 8 he was playing in a band with adults; still is. Not very normal, I'll grant that, but he needs an outlet for that ability.

Chess is also a great workout for the cranium. DS started playing chess at age 3. DH and I have been running the Chess Club at his school going on 6 years now. We also ran a Lego Engineering Club and are looking into starting an Odyssey of the Mind team for our school.

Our school is okay for GF [Gifted Friendly] as okay as you can get in NYS. Unless you go to a Magnet School [which can have its own set of issues]. Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and do some legwork for the TAG kids. Unless, of course, you live in a fully funded and mandated state. I sure don't! So, we volunteer and fundraise and go to all the appropriate meetings where we gently poke at the District to consider doing more; or letting us do more. ;-)

I've come to the conclusion that my kid is going to be okay no matter what. Could the schools do more? Always. Would it be nice if they did more? You bet! No one can take the talent and ability away from your child. Have faith in yourself as a parent and know that the kid is hardwired for Giftedness. It's not something they strive for. It's something they OWN. It will shine through in the most unexpected places. When it does, don't forget to smile and relish the moment[s]. You can scratch and claw and fight for services and programs but don't let that become your identity. Enjoy the journey. It's fun ride!

RCM :-)

"Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve." -Roger Lewin