Never, ever state a specific reading level. School reading levels almost always assess to a significantly lower level than what many kids can actually read and enjoy. This is because most reading tests level a kid out to their weakest skill, some not always having an impact on silent reading ability (oral readin speed, for instance).

When you state a reading level, and then the teacher assesses your child lower, you lose credibility.

"Reads Ladybug magazines independently"
"Has begun reading by sounding out words."

Other specifics give better information. Besides, it's February and kindergarten won't start for another 6 months. For kids who learn quickly, this can lead to misinterpretation down the line.

ZS's response is good. I also included things like, "we have difficulty understanding DS's speech, while those who he doesn't know as well seem to understand him fine." And, because there was a chance we'd get afternoon kindergarten, I wrote "often rises before 5 am to play or read. 1 pm is not his finest hour." We got morning.

Last edited by geofizz; 02/27/14 06:32 AM.