Greetings, Sorry in advance, this might be long, just want to make sure I include any important info. We are looking for some guidance from experienced parents.

DS5 is in pre-school. He was tested with WIPPSI-III last year and scored in the 99.8%, he's just a few points too low to apply for DYS. Tester indicated that we should test him again later because he reached ceilings.

He's reading at a 5th-6th grade level with comprehension (self-taught). He was tested for that at his school last year. He attends a private school right now.

His school mid-year did some tests on him. One was a kindergarten readiness test they say he answered every question correctly. They gave him another test to see what his levels were. They didn't tell us what the test was but said he aced that too. They decided to put him into kindergarten math for the time being, they say to see how he does with older kids. He's only been in there a week and we've already been told by the kindergarten teacher it's too easy for him. His preschool teacher has told us that basically there's no point in him going to kindergarten except it will give him more time to work on his handwriting.

I believe that possibly the school may be open to skipping him to 1st in the fall. If we decide to continue to go the private school route.

We in the meantime we have signed him up for the best magnet public school that is in our district. Here in FL I believe they will not even consider a grade skip until after 1st grade. We've tried everything to talk to the gifted program coordinator (they have gifted full day in our district in kindergarten) but she will not return our calls. My husband is friendly with the school board superintendent and she took him by the gifted office, the person wasn't in and the superintendent requested that the assistant have the coordinator call, still nothing. Not feeling very good about public school.

Lastly, we are strongly considering homeschooling. I stay home already so I could easily do it. My biggest struggle with that is self-doubt and the fact that he is SO social. He LOVES being at school and around kids. He has very few friends outside of school and really he doesn't even seem like he has many friends at school but he enjoys being around people. He does enjoy playing with older children when given the chance but doesn't seem very close with the kids in his preschool class.

I don't want to over focus on the academics and homeschool him for that reason and make him miss out on the social emotional stuff that he seems to enjoy. He gave a "resident expert" presentation to his class today and he just loved doing it. He created a book about squirrels, wrote the facts drew the pictures, shared it with his class, read them a book about squirrels and he loved every minute.

If the private school is willing to do a grade skip go with that? He's so asynchronous. Reading and math are already beyond 1st grade but his handwriting is a normal preschooler's. What to do?

Anyone that can offer any advice, please help. Thanks for your time.